Tuesday, September 27, 2016

More stuff coming soon.

As usual I was too busy to do much radio restoration work in the summer, but now that autumn is here I'm starting to think about getting back into the workshop.

In the six months since my last blog entry I've acquired several radios. Recent additions to the collection include a Marconi from 1935 and a Philips from 1939, both originally battery models that have been converted to AC. Neither have been into my workshop yet, but they appear to be complete. I also added a Bush TR82B (circa 1960) battery portable which just needed a good clean, and also a Bush VT103 from around 1964, which is working but needs some more attention to improve VHF performance.

I'm looking forward to getting all of these sorted, but this year's first winter project is going to be a big one that takes priority.

R1155L Receiver as purchased
After wanting one for many years, I have finally bought an R1155, the iconic receiver that was used in many RAF heavy bombers (most famously the Lancaster) in World War two.

R1155 Receiver & T1154 Transmitter in an Avro Lancaster
At the moment I'm collecting information and some of the bits that I know I will need, and it will be a month or so before I actually start working on the set. I'll be blogging more about this historic radio over the next few weeks, so if you are interested please come back soon.

Keep listening!

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