Tuesday, November 18, 2014

BC5645 Chassis

I spent a couple of hours working on the chassis tonight. I still haven't applied power yet, but all suspect components including Hunts capacitors have now been replaced.

Someone had obviously done some work in the past, as several of the capacitors had already been replaced. I think the ones left were those that were difficult to get to!

Three capacitors
It wasn't particularly easy, as most components that connect to ground have been soldered directly to the chassis, instead of a solder tag bolted to it. These connections take a lot of heat, and getting a big soldering iron in without overheating adjacent components was a bit of a challenge. Where possible I left a bit of the old component leg in place and soldered the new component to it; it's not as neat as I would like, but it does guarantee a good connection.

Fortunately none of the components in the VHF section required replacing, as longer leads here might cause problems.

Finally all three sections of the reservoir and smoothing capacitors reformed without problems. The next stage will be to apply power, and I'll update the blog then.

Keep listening!

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